Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

No need to report that until we have something to report.

Okay, besides the visiting relatives and the heat, my life is being pulled in all sorts of ways as I attempt to finish the school year. I just re-found my "End of the Year" checklist--I actually have to have my dept. head sign off on this. *sigh* State jobs!

8 out of 17 Tech schools closed today...but not mine. Nope, my 90 degree classroom didn't warrant sending kids home early. *MFs*

My car wouldn't start yesterday. At all. I mean, not even so much as an engine turn over. My students would have blushed at the things coming out of my mouth. Good thing we have the spare vehicle and that it had gas. Battery replaced (it was at least 5 years old) and now she runs again. Yay!

Also, was a big hit with the 6mos-4yr set yesterday. I walked into the house in question and the four year old girl came RUNNING up to me and hugged my leg. I have never had anyone so excited to see me...except perhaps the fellow goddesses after our years-long separation. Anyway, her little brother was amused by my fish faces. I watched Disney movies in Swedish; I know you're all jealous. Swedish, incidentally, sounds and looks a lot like German.

Oh, Goddesses, if we want to travel to Spain next year, the grandparents of the 4 year old live there and their son assures me we could crash free of charge. For what it's worth.

We should all give my friend Rob a BIG round of applause--the man is trying to quit smoking. He has been a smoker for the 6 years I've known him, and started before that. I have a feeling the wifey's biological clock is somehow involved, but good luck to Rob in his cessation endeavors.

That's all. In exactly one week I will be done! I might be going to a 2-day class the last week of June (coffee & Lunch provided) to learn how to teach high-level stuff to...well, tech kids. It sounds kind of interesting, even though I'll have just stopped working. But it'll be a jeans and sneakers kinda day, so whatever. I love going to classes, so this won't bother me too much.

(Hee hee. Another 4:20 post).


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