Geek In the Pink

Saturday, July 08, 2006


1. I did not get home until 5:15 this morning. It's an odd time to try to fall asleep. Made it 'til about 11 after a shower so...5.5 hours? M'eh.

2. I need another MP3 player. The one I have is fine, but I've deemed it annoying to have to wipe it clean of gym music to get ready for travel. Is it wantonly self-indulgent to have two? Or do I just suck it up and buy an I-Pod?

3. I invited my parents over for dinner tonight, but neglected to think through to WHAT I was going to feed them. Oops.

4. You may or may not have another post from me 'fore I flee the country.

Some youtube videos to enjoy:

Star Wars meets "Let's Get It On."

Star Wars meets "The Phantom of the Opera."

The X-Files meets 10,000 Maniacs

Harry Potter meets Van Halen.


  • At 1:40 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Wui-Meng is a solid tenor well-suited to the role of the Phantom of the Empire, but his breath support is weak when he forays the falsetto range as Luke. Brilliantly pieced together, but the lyrics at times seemed forced and constrained. 3.5 stars ;)

  • At 11:14 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Thank you for the books! I got them yesterday. Huzzah, I'm hoping the Pessimist's Guide will help me find plots and settings to go with my random snippets of dialogue ;)


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