Geek In the Pink

Friday, July 07, 2006

Summer Magic (and other assorted thoughts)

I looked at my online bank statement today to see which bills had gone through and...

I got paid yesterday and totally forgot! I love getting paid for reading and swimming.

Yes, I'm gloating. What?

On a completely unrelated note, I really think this is the worst song ever. Every time I hear it, I get a little angrier.

My mom bought me my camera yesterday. It's sweet...I'm very excited. Obviously, none of the previously posted pictures (there are 7, by the way) come from it, but I'm going to take pictures in Canada (I leave Sunday night) and will post the good ones (if there are any).

Also, went to see Superman Returns last night. Visually stimulating movie, Brandon Routh is not bad to look at, and it kept faith with the previous movies in many ways, which I appreciate. That was my problem with the latest Batman movie; they hit the reset button and I was perfectly happy with the Michael Keaton movies.

My I-Tunes random function is obsessed with Matthew Sweet, Pink and Dunkan Sheik. The songs themselves aren't particularly appropriate to my mood at the moment, but it is odd.

A big thanks to Leila for my tarot card reading the other day. It was very fun (and amusing) and while I haven't seen the cards' predictions in action, I'm hoping. :)

I cleaned my litte area of the living room this morning and am feeling somewhat accomplished. I still have to go to the post office for my mother, and possibly the AAA office to buy some luggage (still undecided on that). I'm making my spinach artichoke dip tonight for the Margarita Friday party, so I hope that works as well as it usually does.

Hope everyone had a good week. Safe traveling, Sar and please call me if you need anything!


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