Geek In the Pink

Friday, June 30, 2006

A brief, but true, story

Once there was a girl. This girl had no life. Her roommate's boyfriend took pity on her and, while the roommate was out of town, they went to a party.

At this party there were two boys. One of the boys is a very nice guy, who has similar interests as the girl, is smart and funny. The other boy is also smart and funny, but he's a little competitive and has a dirty mind. Also has a tendency to flirt with married women.

Let's all take a guess about which one the girl SHOULD be all into. Now let's take a stab at which one she was flirting with.

*bangs head on desk*

I knew A's boyfriend wanted me so much to get along with guy A. And I DO like guy A...but I've only hung out with him a few times. We do have similar interests, so I should probably focus more attention on that, yes? I mean, not that either has expressed any interest via the grape vine in me, but y'all know what I'm getting at.

I'm over-thinking this, aren't I? I should just go to bed, yes? Yes, Lady, good idea. Off to bed you go...


  • At 3:06 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Chemistry is a hard science. The chemistry that exists between people... now that's a total mystery.

    The other thing I will add is that people talk about chemistry being an immediate thing that happens and that people feel. However, if we can learn anything from the science, it's that some reactions are fast and some are slower to develop.

  • At 11:25 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Yes. You could just do something totally unrelated to sex, lurve, and dating just to get your mind off it. Men are silly anyway.


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