Geek In the Pink

Monday, June 19, 2006

Books & Movies

So I finished The Lovely Bones this weekend and must say that it was a fast read. Very interesting POV (dead girl...not giving anything away) with an interesting look at the here-after. If you haven't read it, and you'd like a quick read, pick it up. Warning: Roommate found the first few scenes involving the character's death a little hard to read.

Also watched two movies recently, Sliding Doors with Gwenyth Paltrow and Good Night and Good Luck, with George Clooney. Both were good, although the latter required a bit of history knowledge and a strong sense of concentration. Sliding Doors was slightly ruined for me by SOMEONE who had seen the last three minutes and then procceeded to "hypothesize" how the movie would end. Anyway, if you've got some free time this summer, rent either.

Today was the last day of school with the students. At the most I had ten students in my classroom today. I came home and...went in the pool. Roommate was all "but I have work to do" and I said "Don't care, pool now." So we swam. My arms hurt, but in a good way.

Tomorrow is my last day of work until August 25th. W00T!


  • At 8:31 PM , Blogger jayiin mistaya said...

    Congrats on being free of Teh Students for a bit.

  • At 2:53 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    i really didn't know what was going to happen! I knew that in one scenario there was the elevator ride, but i had no idea about what happened in the she didn't miss the train scenario. It really was guessing!

  • At 7:36 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Oh, I'm TOTALLY not swimsuit ready...but I needed to be in that pool.


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