Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

T-Minus 6 days and counting

I have not been sticking to the diet. Nope, not one bit. I start out the day with the best of intentions, but come post-lunch time, all bets are off. I like something sweet after lunch, so today I found a halloween-sized candy bar and ate that. I'm finishing off a box of Kashi cheese crackers after eating a Lean Cuisine pizza; sure I went to the gym, but that's all been counteracted.

I had a sip of champagne last night for the toast. It wasn't particularly good champagne, so I didn't finish the class. I had unsweetened iced tea (which was too acidic) and then drank water. I must say that Ms. Amanda's suggested for the bubbled & flavored water was a good one; I may pick up some more tonight when I go to the store. I have to make taco salad for tomorrow's staff lunch. Woo hoo.

Day 1 of exams. Kids did all right; no A's but a lot in the B-C range, which I didn't have with my freshmen. Only a few D's and no F' bonus.

All right, off to shower before I commence with the gathering and foraging.


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