Geek In the Pink

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The biggest bird of them all.

Okay, so we had a union meeting on Friday to discuss when to make up snow days for next year and other sorts of nonsense. As we began the discussion, the union rep handed out the calendars for next year. Do you know what was missing?

February vacation.

Now, for the past two years, I have had to go in for three days on the week when every other teacher I know is sleeping in and going to bed whenever they bloody well feel like. But I usually had the Friday before off so, while I was getting gyped, I wasn't going to complain too much.

This, however, is ridiculous.

Now, before any of you non-teachers go on about how "You get the whole summer off," and "You only work 6-hours a day"... Let me tell you, my job is tough, it is exhausting. Also, February break gives us a chance to get away from the germs and clear out our systems.

Now, I have a four-day weekend instead of a nice long week.

We are ripped.

We are wondering where our union was when this bullshit was decided.

And, unfortunately, there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

"Oh, but doesn't your year end earlier?"

Nope. I still will get out, at the earliest, on June 16th (that includes not one, but TWO Professional Development days at the end of the year. WTF?) Add in snow days and, that's right, I've got a longer work year than...well, any teacher I know.

Bullshit, I tell you. Utter bullshit.


  • At 9:08 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I'm confused. Why make up snow days during February vacation? Does it not snow in February? Wouldn't it be likely that you'd have to make up the make up day?

  • At 9:21 AM , Blogger leila said...

    That really sucks. But it'll be summer soon, and then you can relax some. That will be nice.

  • At 11:59 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I know you said that there's nothing you guys can do about it, but did you or anyone else express your concerns? Suppose you're in the minority, you should always express yourself, especially since the union's job is to represent as many people as possible.


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