Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Three Cheers...

for Tylenol Sinus. I took two of 'em just 2.5 hours ago and I already feel better. Are the symptons 100% gone? No, of course not. But I feel a little less "walking dead" and a little more "stressed and sniffley." Really, it's an improvement.

Today is the roommate's birthday. Her present has not arrived yet, but hopefully before the week is out she will be gifted. I mean, she's already know what I mean.

I think I may have senior-itis worse than my students. Although I'm going to be back next year of my own accord; some of them might be spending their summer on English if they hope to return as well.

June 20th yet?


  • At 7:57 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Have you tried DayQuil? That's supposed to be good.

    Happy Birthday to Rumie! Don't know if you're helping her celebrate tonight, but I hope you're having fun as you've sounded stressed and kind of down lately.


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