Geek In the Pink

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rock, Paper, Scissors /edit

Remember this game from our youth? Okay, here's how it works: rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beat paper.

Now, to put this into the terms of our modern dating society:

Blonde beats Brains
Boobs beat Blonde
but Brains never beats anyone.

(how's that for alliteration? And look, I even made it a poem for you.)

And don't think you can combine Brains with any of these and have it somehow assist in the beating of anything else. Smart women are, apparently, not that desirable. Oh, lots of guys SAY they want a smart woman...but not too smart. Can't possibly be remotely intimidating. Else you are kicked to the proverbial curb (see poem above). Also, the one exception to this rule is dear Amanda. She has two out of the three (won't tell you which) and the boys love her. :)

On a slightly happier note, I went to see The DaVinci Code last night at the drive-in with my brother and his girlfriend. I can understand why the critics had trouble with the pacing, but there's a lot of stuff that needs to be explained; you can't just show people this stuff and hope they'll get it. There were a few changes made from the novel (probably for time's sake), but on the whole it was a fairly accurate and faithful to the book. Tom Hanks did not piss me off, so that should tell you something.

All right, I have two rather pathetic looking cats staring at me now, so I suppose I should give them their morning meal. Hope everyone is having a fantabulous weekend and that your Sunday lives up to its name.


  • At 10:59 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    If I can't have an intellegent conversation with a woman, I do not want a serious relationship with her...In fact, I have a low tolerance for stupidity...

  • At 1:45 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I think it's more like nobody wants to date someone smarter than themselves, male or female.

    Women are, on the average, smarter than men already. Individual intelligence just emphasizes that.

  • At 2:13 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I can honestly say that I find smart women are highly desirable. The only problem I've ever had, or would ever have, would be the feeling that I'm not smart enough for them.

    I'd like an intelligent woman, but I've decided, that considering my luck with women lately, I shouldn't be too picky. As long as they're a nice person, I'll be happy.

    Also, hair color is of little consequence to me.

  • At 2:15 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Why don't people want to date anyone smarter than themselves?

  • At 3:04 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Well, if they like learning new things or have a constant urge to learn new things, they may be intrigued by the smarter person. On the whole, I think most are not like that, to that exteme anyway, but maybe someone...

  • At 3:58 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    The best situation is when the two ppl are both intelligent, but in totally diff ways. So you can openly compliment each other as being the smarter one, but secretly know that your own smartness totally trounces his/hers.

    Even better is when one person is smart and the other person is funny.

  • At 4:15 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I definitely like learning new things, but I'm intrigued by a lot of things.

    If two people are intelligent, but in totally different ways, shouldn't they be smart enough to know the difference and know that neither smartness trumps the other?

    And what if you're smart and funny? Not that I'm saying that I am, but what if you are. What's the other person supposed to have?

    I think the worst people are those who are beautiful, smart, and funny are the worst people of are. It's just totally not fair to have 3 out of 3. Two out of three is fine, but having more is just really not fair to the rest of the world!

  • At 6:20 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Is there two "r's" in "scissors?" ;)

  • At 11:16 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    "If two people are intelligent, but in totally different ways, shouldn't they be smart enough to know the difference and know that neither smartness trumps the other?

    And what if you're smart and funny? Not that I'm saying that I am, but what if you are. What's the other person supposed to have?"

    1. No. If you truly feel the smartness cancels each other out you're a giant hippie and I don't trust you one bit. And I feel it's natural to think you're smarter, because you know how you think. But maybe this is because I'm actually smart and awesome. It could be different for other ppl.
    2. I'm smart AND funny. It leaves him for being a good audience and having crazy great math skillz.

  • At 1:15 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I wouldn't say that I'm a hippie although I could easily look like one. I don't necessarily believe in cancelling each other out as balancing each other out. I don't know if that's hippie talk or not, but I'm a hopeless romantic. Trust me for being a hopeless romantic or don't trust me for being a giant hippie.

    I've felt smarter at times than some people I've dated for various reasons and I've felt the opposite as well. For the most part, I've felt an equal balance. Regardless, I try to be humble about any smarts I have.

    I will say that I'm funny, so I'll leave any future girlfriend to be the smart one. ;)

    I hope your boy has crazy math skills.


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