Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Bit Too Biblical

Yeah, so this rain? Can go away any time now. Honestly, if I wanted to be wet 90% of the year, I'd move to fucking Seattle.


I went to the gym yesterday and today, after Thor knows how long, and it felt pretty good. Of course, yesterday I came home and gorged on con queso but we'll consider it baby steps. I have been eating better on the whole, and cheating with green tea pills which my mother is having luck with. Since I've been feeling like a bloated cow lately, I'll take the help where I can get it.

Two more-or-less uneventful days at work so far (knock on wood), with one more day of these hellish brutes before my freshmen and seniors come back. I am, by far, the slowest teacher of Julius Caesar in the department and I don't know why. It has something to do with the fact that I'm gone all the time from this cycle, I'm sure. I thought it would go faster, but the kids are being SO freaking lazy. Ug. And I hate all the trees I'm killing to give them the "dumbed down" version, but it's easier than pulling teeth with them. And, to tell a family secret, the freaking thing isn't even on the final, so I don't really know why I have to teach it anyway. We've seen the death of Caesar, I'm seriously considering just showing the movie for the rest of it when they come back. Some of these kids are SO not ready for the final, it isn't even funny.

What else? I think I have this nebulous crush-type thing on one of my brother's friends. Mostly, I think he's good looking, and I've noticed him checking me out. We went out en masse a few times this weekend, and I did my best to flirt, so we shall see. My mother totally called me on it on Sunday, but I lied and said no, I did not have romantic intentions towards the young man. Which isn't actually a lie.

Anyway, we're trying to get a group together to go see The DaVinci Code this weekend. Mindy suggested a drive-in, weather permitting, which sounded cool.



  • At 5:05 PM , Blogger leila said...

    Drive ins suck when you're seeing a movie for the first time, because there's always some asshole. Having sex, beeping the horn, leaving high beams on....i hate drive ins.

  • At 6:23 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    Actually, my beef against drive-thrus is that that lighting totally sucks so if you're watching a movie that tends to be darkly shot (presumably DaVINCI CODE) you'll really struggle to catch all the tiny details that make up why I see movies on a big

    In theory, I heart drive-ins, but in reality I've only been to a couple and they've sucked.

  • At 9:04 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Drive-ins still exist?!?! I always wanted to do one. However, judging from the comments your friends made, the experience isn't that peachy. I'd still like to experience it so I could complain, too! Oh well, c'est la vie.

    By the way, are you really obvious or does your family know you so well that they can tell when you like someone?

    Also, I'm going to go to your school and sell your secret for umm... $50 to each student or to the highest bidder.

  • At 10:10 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    My father is oblivious to everything in this area but my mother knows when I'm in love or interested in someone.

    What drive-ins do you go to, ladies? All my drive-in experiences have been great. Two movies for the price of one? Who can beat that?


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