Geek In the Pink

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dude, what chemistry?

This has nothing to do with me, and most of you probably aren't going to care, but I have to rant about this stupid thing they're doing to my beloved CSI characters.


Sara has a thing for Gil, yes. But EVERY interaction between the two has been very familial, father-daughter. I don't see Gil looking at her adoringly. I can think of two instances in the five(?) seasons the show has been on the air where something vaguely sexual was said between the two. One was from Sara, and the other one was two weeks ago from Gil, probably leading up to this "OMG CHEMISTRY!" discussion that is apparently going to happen before the show is out for the summer.

The article actually talked about how it was "What fans were waiting for." It was? How about the return of Brown-Willows sparks? Or Grissom-Willows, 'cause that makes HELLA more sense. Saunders-Sidle? Sparks-Sidle? Saunders-Sparks? C'mon now...ALL of that makes more sense to me than Grissom-Sidle. This is going to turn into a whole Chakotay-Seven thing and I'm just going to be pissed off.

And why, I'm sure you're asking yourself, does this warrant an entire blog entry?

Mostly because I have no life. But I'm pretty good at accpeting other people's 'ships, even if I don't buy into them myself. This one, though...*shakes head* No, I'm sorry, this one is stupid.


  • At 10:15 AM , Blogger Anathema said...

    just to point can't be seven-chakotay because they have set this up from the very beginning. just a thought there.

  • At 11:17 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    What set up? They set up her having a crush on him...there has been no "OMG TEHSEXORS" set up for HIM.

  • At 2:24 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    A is right on some level. Gil and Sarah make a hell of a lot more sense than Chakotay and Seven. I just watched "Endgame" again recently, btw.


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