Geek In the Pink

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Frequency and Dangerous Beauty

The nice thing about extended periods of time off is the ability to watch movies whenever you want. I Netflixed the above movies because I had not seen them. (A good reason to rent, n'est-ce pas?) Anyway, I enjoyed both thoroughly, especially Frequency because, in the end, it did not go all Butterfly Effect on me. Dangerous Beauty was just cool because, hi, courtesans. And Rufus Sewell. All-in-all, a good time.

I'm going to start working on my portfolio tomorrow morning, but I've been enjoying these brainless days quite a lot, especially with the GORGEOUS weather afforded us. I may go outside with a book for a little while to really enjoy it. Then it's back to my parents' house for Round 2 of Easter dinner. I forgot my brother's girlfriend's present here (garlic press--yup, that's my family), so I was ostricized last night. ;) No, just kidding, but my mother was a bit miffed at me.

I hope everyone is having a fan-tabulous weekend.

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Babysitter
2. Cashier
3. Receptionist
4. Teacher

Four Movies you would watch over and over
1. Star Wars
2. The Three Musketeers
3. Dogma
4. Clueless

Four places you have lived:
1. Meriden
2. Saudi Arabia
3. East Hampton
4. Glastonbury

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. The West Wing
2. CSI
3. House
4. 24

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. California
2. Nova Scotia
3. Oregon
4. Texas

Websites you visit daily or frequently
1. livejournal
2. blogger
3. juno (email)
4. yahoo (email)

Four of my favorite foods
1. Pizza
2. Egg Rolls
3. Bagels
4. Ice Cream

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. England
2. the Mediterranean
3. California
4. Oregon


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