Geek In the Pink

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Awkward? Yes, thank you

Am still not feeling very well, despite the Day-Quil/Ny-Quil double punch. I felt crappy most of yesterday, probably because I went out Friday night and shouldn't have. I'm also back to eating like a pig. Why do I have no self-control? God, I suck.

Anyhew, yesterday I got some work done, then went out with my brother and his gf to Black-Eyed Sally's and then Bourbon Street. The first was good because of the band, but there were many scary, middle-aged people attempting to dance and not making a good go of it. We all got a good chuckle at their expense. Bourbon was good, also with a live band.

Then why the post title, oh dear KJ, you may be asking. Well, because one of the first people that made eye contact with me was the co-worker of the guy I was sort of seeing around Thanksgiving. He kept coming up to talk to me. Uncomfortable. THEN, from across the room, I saw another guy that I was talking to a few months ago. I'm pretty sure he saw me, too, but neither of us went up to talk to the other, which was a blessing. The only thing that would've topped the evening off would have been if The Ex had been there with someone. 'Cause, yeah.

I'm watching Highlander right now because I don't want to do anymore planning or work. I'm still tired, although at least my 6 hrs of sleep was uninterrupted.

If George Lucas Cast Star Wars from Your Friend List, He'd Pick... by athersgeo
Luke Skywalkerbulky_monster
Han Solomiss_dendera
Princess Leiadusk_in_dendera
Wedge Antillesiharthdarth
Obi-Wan Kenobitehkillingpill
Darth Vaderanathema523
Grand Moff Tarkinklugscheissteve
The Emperoraregan
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Sar, you get to make out with yourself. LOL


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