Geek In the Pink

Sunday, March 19, 2006


So I've been using the new "Listerine Whitening" mouthwash because my teeth are not as pearly as I'd like. It has peroxide in it, which I did not know upon initial purchase. Anyway, I somehow gave myself a cut on my nose, but I did not know about it until some of said mouthwash splashed onto said nose, got into the cut, and began to bubble. Ow.

In almost exactly a month, I have to fit into a size 7-8 dress for the annual Navy Ball down at the casino. With this in mind, I am going to look into how much an hour, once a week, with a personal trainer will cost me. I cannot do this on my own. I am too weak with the will-power. I want to, but I fall prey to various distractions and, also, french fries. My biggest weakness, I think; bigger than wine or dessert is my love for the french fry.

A and I bought curtains to cover the two open doorways in our apartment; they are cute and I think give the room a nice look. We do, however, have these ginormously blank spaces on our walls that, given the whiteness of the curtains, we feel the need to cover. With what, we do not know, but with something. I'd love to put up some funky, but tasteful, posters; we shall see what the roommie says about that.

There was something else I wanted to bordered on being rather important. Of course it is gone, now, to the world of half-remembered thoughts and ideas. I wonder what that place looks like...perhaps I should write a story about it. Add it to the list, right?

Moved my bed in my room again; furniture re-arrangement is my therapy.

Finished the book Teacher Man by Frank McCourt yesterday. It was...all right. But I wanted him to focus more on his teaching career (as the title would imply) and instead we got more "Woe is I" business, as I imagine his first two books contain. Still, there were some very funny moments and anyone who has ever/will ever work with adolescents should check it out.

Watched the movies "Matchstick Men" and "Waiting..." over the past few days. Both were good, obviously in their own ways. With the latter, however, it makes you EXTREMELY polite to your waitstaff. That's all I'm saying. The first was just a good kind of trippy and if you like Nicolas Cage (as I do) then you ought to watch it.

Oh, and just as a reminder, the Writing Blog has a new entry that is very lonely with only one comment and it would REALLY appreciate a little more insight.


  • At 12:07 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Be careful with whiteners. As you know now, they are strong and can strip away at the enamel that protects your teeth.

    Good luck with your diet and finding an affordable personal trainer. What exactly is a Navy Ball? Perhaps you can find someone who trains people in the Navy and they can help you work your (insert body part you wish to get rid of here) off.

    Frank McCourt used to teach at my high school. However, he was no longer a teacher when I went there. I know students always told him to write a book, though.

    He kind of reminds me of one teacher I had in the same high school, Mr. Krinsky. I hope he writes a book one day if he hasn't published one already and somehow missed it. He had such great adventures.

    Finally, and most importantly, you're not being patriotic by calling them French fries. They're freedom fries and freedom dressing and freedom bread and freedom onion soup, etc. ;)

  • At 7:14 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Waiting seemed a bit too imature for me, and I love Family Guy so that's saying something!

  • At 8:24 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    and freedom whorehouses and freedom perfume

  • At 9:52 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    and freedom maid outfits!

  • At 9:11 AM , Blogger Anathema said...

    What do I think about it? Are you nuts? I suggested it - funky tasteful posters whee!

    And tasteful is a relative long as small children can come in the apt and not be assaulted, that's fine.

    Hee...though to be honest I'd love to get some of the demotivator posters up. You know, like "Madness:
    Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?"

    That's what I'm talking about :)


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