Geek In the Pink

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pictures gakked from Sarah and taking requests

I just wanted everybody to see some of the pictures from our trip; no ink picture yet, but I promise...soon.

Kelly and I with our funky drinks at Club-22.

Three goddesses enjoying a well-deserved meal. Thank you, slow waitress, for taking the picture.

Sar and I enjoy the ginmormously soft bed.

Also, I am sending out a general offer for mix CDs. I'm in the mood to be generous, but also want to give people what they want. SOOOO...give me a theme and I'll play you a song...or 17.



  • At 6:05 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Sar-- It wasn't Mariah Marshall maybe? Or Destiny's Child...

    Amanda--Okay, what KIND of mix would you like? I need something a SQUIDGE more specific. ;)

  • At 11:20 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I didn't think you did like Mariah but then we have not discussed music in awhile so your tastes could have changed...

  • At 3:31 PM , Blogger leila said...

    whoa i'm gynormously glad you had sucha good time! see you tonight! ;)


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