Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm alive!

Hello all.

I know you were all dying for a post from me on Monday night, but after spending 6 hrs in the car by myself, guess who was a little tired? Oh wait, that would be me.

Anyway, the weekend was crazy and involved a LOT of driving (1000+ miles; yay rental cars) but it was a very good time. Toronto was really nice; except for the inane way in which its pedestrian cross lights are not synchronized effectively with the regular traffic lights. Niagra Falls was fun, if essentially a poor-man's Vegas (which, btw, I still think should be our next, non-European outing).

Of course, the biggest news from the weekend is the ink I'm now sporting on my lower back. Pictures forthcoming, but it turned out very nicely. It hurt only on certain parts (the higher up she went on my spine), but I didn't cry or throw up or anything. Woohoo. I'm waiting for the itching to begin, because for the past three days it's been pretty good. *knock wood*

Last night (Tuesday), A and I went to the Meet Market sponsored by Kiss 95.7. As A predicted, there was a LOT of blonde there, and the two of us being wallflowers did not have much in the way of luck. A guy took my phone number, but I'm not sure how interested I was in him. Nice enough, but not OMGTEHWOW, as I would've said this weekend. Still, it was an interesting experience and worth a number of giggles throughout the evening. Of course, my type-A-ness already has a gillion ways it could've been better organized; but nobody asked me.

Pictures arrive anon from the trip, I assure you.


  • At 9:08 AM , Blogger leila said...

    bah! pictures come forth now! accio pictures! me see nooooooow!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 1:01 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    I'm seriously pumped about the subject of the inking. what can it be???

  • At 8:21 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    But are you feeling better? Are you out of your depression?

  • At 11:55 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    While I was in Niagra Falls last August, I went to the MGM store and was very disappointed there was no Stargate stuff but I got a cool Spiderman T-Shirt that day in another store.


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