Geek In the Pink

Saturday, February 18, 2006


How evil are you?
Stolen from Kelly's LJ

1. screen name: LadyVad357
2. birthday: 12/05
3. place of residence: Apartment
4. what makes you happy: My cat, a good book, sleep
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: computer humming, "Stargate: Atlantis" theme
6. do you read my lj: the "my" in this case being Kelly's, yes
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: Good-always entertaining, bad-not enough pictures!
8. an interesting fact about you: I am becoming increasingly intolerant of the non-type A people of the world and don't know why.
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Guilty as charge-ed
10. favourite place to be: the BEACH!
11. favourite lyric: Currently? "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
12. best time of the year: Summer, no work
13. weirdest food you like: Asparagus? *shrugs*
14. do farts make you laugh: Not typically, no

1. a film: "The Importance of Being Ernest"
2. a book: Star of the Guardians by Margaret Weis (technically 4 books)
3. a band, a song and an album: Amanda Marshall

1. one thing you like about me: Your uncanny ability to read people
2. two things you like about yourself: Listening skills and... ...
3. put this in your lj (blog) so i can tell you what i think of you.


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