Geek In the Pink

Friday, February 17, 2006

Day of rest? I don't think so

Even though today is my day off, I'm still going to be crazy, mad busy. As I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday, that is the first order of business. Then it's off to the post office to mail a book I sold on half. com (yay!) and a registration for A so she can learn to be a guitar player. Once I drag myself back to the apartment from that, and shower obviously, then I have two doctors to call, laundry to do, garbage to remove from the premisis, and the probate court to visit sometime after noon to get my paper work underway. I know, you all envy my time off. ;)

Went to celebrate Dad's bday a day late yesterday, which was nice. Sick brother appears to be recovering, and says he will be planning on making it to the "party" on Saturday, with up to four other people. A and I still don't know what we're feeding every body. Ah well.

Allergies are being annoying this morning, which does not please me on any level. Here's to hoping some abuse at the gym will clear those suckers right up.

Oh, anyone who reads this between the hours of 7:30 am and 2:10 pm, please pray for the A-ster, because she's not having a good day.

Look, flatter me!


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