Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Because the three-day-week is a good thing

I only have one more day to work, and that's tomorrow, and then I have five blessed days off. In that time, I hope to get up to Boston to FINALLY see the Star Wars exhibit, get my passport paperwork (say THAT 5 x fast) in motion, and sleep. Lots of sleep.

Our party is Saturday. We have no idea who's coming, when they'll be there, what we're feeding them, what we're wearing or how to decorate, but the party is coming anyway. Type A planner (that's me) starting to freak out. Then I remember that I really do have all day on Friday to get stuff together.

At least the living room is clean.

In other news...oh yeah, today is my dad's birthday. I called him on my way home to wish him a good one. I will be seeing him tomorrow for dinner before A and I head out to Willimantic for nachos and beer. I think. Joe is sick, so who knows if we're going or not. Anyway.

My brother has the flu. Poor thing actually WENT to the doctor yesterday he felt so crappy. I don't know if he's on meds, but I told him to drink lots of Gatorade (tm) and sleep. Like I know how to cure the flu, but it sounded really smart.

I have cooked dinner three days in a row. Of course, we have TONS of left overs (lentil soup, anyone?) but I think I can probably fit the rest of it in the freezer. Yay frozen meals made from scratch. Who rocks the Kasbah? That would be me. :)

K J Kofuske --


Similar to butter in texture and appearance

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