Geek In the Pink

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Our Father Who Art in a Tree by Judy Pascoe

Weird book.

Think To Kill a Mockingbird-type narrator, mixed with Australian Irish-Catholicism and add a dead father.

Like I said, weird.

Some quotes:

"My mother took a moment to accept the fact that the method of arbitration over this long-running dispute was to be a game of bridge. She nodded. Why not? It seemed fair. What other process could there be that was as just as a game of bridge?"--p. 121

"He was definitely the wrong person to die. It was God's mistake, Mum called it. A big mistake, and she spoke like she was going to get her revenge on God and take him on somehow in a duel. I knew when I saw her looking up to the heavens that she was thinking, So that's your best shot? Like it hadn't crippled her. I could imagine my mother in the ring goading Him, a featherweight light on her feet and mean, pitched against hte Almighty but not frightened by Him at all."--p. 147-148

"'I know,' I said, over and over again. 'I know, I know, I know. I just regress when I see her. I become ten.'
'Next time see if you can be eleven'."--P. 193

"Edward has the most children, and it's not a Catholic thing, he just has a lot of children and they all have perfect teeth."--p. 195

"Then there was a push and much evidence debated in the courtroom as to whether a foot was placed inside the threshold before my mother attacked."--p. 196

"She learned to shoot, and that was a turning point in her life. The power of the gun and the potention destruction, it was a comfort to her and it put her madness in perspective."--p.199


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