Geek In the Pink

Monday, January 16, 2006

Working MP3 players, and other music related topics

First of all, after months cursing out my MP3 player and the company that produced it, I finally loaded 134 songs onto the blasted thing. Many gym workouts await me, with my very own soundtrack. So yay! Now, if I could only get my CD player to work in my car....

Second, I'd like to discuss Maroon 5. A and I did a bit of retail therapy today, and while driving down to the outlets, we listened to her IPod. I forgot how sexy the music is that Maroon 5 puts out. And I'm not just talking lyrically; the melodies have a very sexy feeling about them, which is really quite lovely.

Third, another song we listened to was Your Love by The Outfield. It's almost the perfect one-night-stand song, although the lyrics lead you to wonder just who the girl is he's singing to. I'm putting my money on close friend; perhaps even a friend of this "Josie" woman in question.

That is all. I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

Hang in There Cat
You scored 58% Catness!
You're cute and you get into cute scrapes. Everybody likes you. You might still be a kitten, or just a kitten at heart. As you get older and more experienced, you'll be more sure of yourself, but you won't be nearly as charming. Sorry.

Link: The What Cat Are You Test written by rorire on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 3:31 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I know, I hate it when I have gadgets and can't get them to work. I never have figured out how to get pictures onto the computer from my mobile phone. Then again, I've never really tried...

  • At 10:04 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    ::Shrugs:: You don't sound interested but really four or five years isn't tht much a difference at our age...


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