Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

After the sobriety checkpoint on Friday, things improved.

I really enjoy this whole vacation thing. I can get up when I want to, go to sleep when I want to, and go places during the day that normally I cannot because they are closed by the time I'm ready to visit them.

Also, I can go to the gym in the MORNING, my prefered time. Which I will do shortly.

Christmas Eve through Boxing Day were spent at my parents' house. We went to visit some of my mother's relatives, had dinner with a family friend, and then went to church. The church service was lovely. There was, however, a VERY interesting reading from the Bible (Luke 2, I believe) which specifically recognized Jesus as Mary's FIRST BORN son. Just some food for thought.

I also brought the cat home. That went rather well, as no one got into fights, but Cleo spent most of her time hissing and spitting whenever Mina walked by. Still, the parents were glad to have the cat home (more so than me, I think) and were very sad to see her go.

Got mostly clothes for Christmas, some gorgeous figurines that I collect...a travel mug, gloves...a book from brother's GF. OH! My brother bought me the entire first season of Thundercats on DVD--all 65 episodes. How freakin' cool is that?

When I got home on Monday, most of my time involved unpacking, getting roommate updates, and watching movies. We didn't go to bed until 1:30 or so...which is exceedingly late for us. After rolling out of bed at 8:30, we finally made it to the gym by 10:30 or so. After showering, it was off to Target for cleaning supplies to commence the MAD PURGING of the APARTMENT. While we've still got quite a bit of clutter about (my desk is COVERED in bills I need to pay), the kitchen and bathroom have been scrubbed, the living room vacuumed...all is truly right with the world.

Okay, I have 4.5 hours before my friend Amanda is schedule to arrive at my doorstep (YAY!) so I must commence with my day.

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  • At 11:23 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Oddly, it seems easy for historians to prove Jesus had a brother than he himself existing...
    Thundercats rocks although 65 episodes? Isn't there only 52 weeks in the year?

  • At 12:15 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Ok, wait, I have no idea where my head is. The show was on five times a week, duh! I need more sleep...


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