Geek In the Pink

Friday, December 09, 2005

Snow Day

You know, I find one snow day a month to be a perfectly acceptable rate. That's three days, I'm still out before Kelly's birthday, and life is good. So I plan on enjoying this one, even if I was awake at 5am with no real chance of falling back to sleep. So I'll have a cup of girly coffee and curl up with my book.

Of course, my colleague didn't call my apartment; they were working off an old list and called my parents' house instead. So my mom had to call me this morning with the news.

Plans are minimal for the day. I SHOULD get some work done, but in all likelihood, I won't. Most likely I'll read, watch movies and if the weather clears up at a reasonable hour, go to the gym and maybe see about getting my CD player fixed in my car since I did just put $450 worth of work into it. My mechanic is right; it seems silly to replace it just now. To be fair, Blair will tell me when fixing the car just won't be worth it anymore. He's good like that.

Dinner with the brother's gf went very well the other night. We chatted about her family and my family, work and college. It was a nice time. My brother called her at one point though; I think he was VERY worried about what we were doing together. Too cute, no?

All right, I have a date with Harry Potter and the tri-wizard tournament.

Cute Smile
You scored 105 smilyness!
Not good enough to be a celebrity but your smile is sooooo cute. Like the picture everyone thinks you are adorable, you need to show your smile a little more don't be affraid to, its a cracker of a smile.

You scored 60 Independence, 60 Romance, 65 Loyalty, and 65 Practicality!

You are Belle! As the Ultimate Disney Female, you have a bit of everything! You are brave, happy to face beasts and wolves and evil men to save those you love, and exploring dark rooms with a wonderful sense of curiosity. You are loyal, looking after family and friends in any way that you can. You are loving, able to look beyond appearances and love someone for their personality, only happy with romance if you are treated like an equal. You are also brainy, loving books and culture, trying to invent things and improve your life, bored by dull routine people. You are everything an modern, intelligent, courageous, kind, romantic, and independent woman should be. You won't settle for less than what you dream of, and you won't let injustice go on around you.
Link: The What Disney Female are you Test written by lu-mina on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 10:36 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    What could your brother be worried about? What could she possibly learn from you she hadn't all ready figured out? It's been how long now?


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