Geek In the Pink

Friday, December 02, 2005

Ah, Friday

I fear what my students will be like today, especially the study hall I have 5th period. Half day, last day of the cycle, last day of the marking period...I think I'm going to bring in a movie to soothe the beasts.

Going to see the Barenaked Ladies SO excited for the concert. Yes, there will be Christmas music, and that is something I'm just learning to live with. But Steve and Ed will be singing, there will be much laughter and gaiety and...well, yay. Am wanting to eat dinner early and leave early so we are guaranteed a parking spot and won't be rushed once inside the casino. We shall see what happens with the roommate (she's going with).

Was having a strange dream when the alarm went off, but it has flown the proverbial coop and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.

A poll for those of you who remember your high school English classes--did you read every bit of the plays out loud, or did you read it at home and then "perform" excerpts of it for discussion? My students appear to have great difficulty reading plays to themselves; I don't think it's that difficult. Is this just because I'm me? Or ar they that lazy?

Where are those comics?

You scored 50% airiness, 78% squishiness, and 78% edginess!

According to our patented JawamaticTM technology, you are most like See-Threepio (C-3P0) in personality.

Threepio, being a protocol droid, favours traditional values. Programmed for etiquette and protocol, he is always concerned with doing what is proper and expected, caring for people's material needs above all else. He is methodical, value-driven and practical at his best.

Threepio is, in a word, diligent.

(The polar opposite of See-Threepio is Artoo-Detoo.)

Link: The Star Wars Personality Test written by MiguelSanchez on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 10:24 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I seem to remember doing reading plays both ways in school. Somehow the teacher intuitively knew which would work best. English II we had a novice but I seem to have blocked that from my memory...Sorry.

  • At 5:07 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    we read it aloud.


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