Geek In the Pink

Monday, November 14, 2005

72 Hours...3 Dates

Does that make me sound like a whore? Sure hope not. It was an...interesting experience, to say the least. One guy I'm pretty sure is "just friend" material...although he's a really cool friend. sparkage. We did go see The Legend of Zorro which was a very good time in and of itself.

I had Asian fusion for dinner Friday night, with sake, which was WAY too sweet. Also "marshmallow hibachi" which, for some reason, they could not call "smores" even though that's exactly what it was. Nice enough guy, only a first date...but we had a lot to talk about.

Yesterday I went out for coffee. The biggest problem thus far with this guy--same name as THE EX. Doesn't seem to hold much in common except for the name but...well, you can imagine how disconcerting that is, I'm sure.

I had a dream last night that involved being late for work, color-changing pants, a broken garbage disposal, not being able to find my father's work phone number, and not having my car.

Any guesses?


  • At 7:08 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    no idea, but I had a dream where I was climbing into the cockpit of some old-fashioned looking fighter jet and telling my children to behave for some person who was looking after them... and realized I'd been absent for my childrens' entire lives, and didn't know their names, because I was always leaving them behind like that.
    In the dream I told my mom this secret and she said it was weird, but I could still try and get to know them. I remember looking at pictures and trying to memorize which kid was which.

  • At 7:09 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    and with regards to the dates, nah, you don't sound like a slut. I did that a couple years ago. It just means more disappointing males to be removed from your list of potentials, in a shorter period of time ;)

  • At 1:46 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    No, you don't sound like a slut. In fact, multiple dates is something I myself should be doing although guys aren't called sluts when they do that themselves but I stick with my earlier statement. Zorro! That was the other movie I was trying to think of this morning! Thanks for the reminder.


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