Geek In the Pink

Friday, November 04, 2005

Friday Good

Today begins the official "Will Lady Get to Keep Her Job" campagin. If I am successful, I will get a package in early September saying "Congratulations, you receieved a ____" and then I can do the dance of joy and just wait for tenure. If I am unsuccessful, I'll have to do the whole bloody thing over again in less time, hoping they take pity on me. I'd hate to not do well. I'd probably cry and throw things. Also, it would prove someone, somewhere right that I'd chosen the wrong fieled and THEN what would I do with myself?

I'm supposed to go out with my coworkers for drinks this afternoon. I'll probably just get a soda, because I still feel like crap and I'll want to go home and nap most likely before we take the L-ster out for her birthday. Then A & I are off to celebrate ANOTHER birthday. I made roommie promise she wouldn't let me drink. I'm doing far too much of it on the weekends, and recognize the need to stop the insanity. (Wow, remember Susan Powter? That was a very strange flashback I just had.)

Oh, and I LOVE CSI. Grissom-Willows baby!


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