Geek In the Pink

Friday, October 28, 2005

Dissolution--by C.J. Sansom

Okay, the short version is: Reform-era England, murder in a nearly-defunct-monastery, hunchback lawyer and a bunch of not-entirely-truthful monks.

Actually a pretty good book; I didn't know "who done it" until the end, but I'm slow and stupid about this sort of thing, so maybe someone else smarter than myself would've figured it out earlier.

Quotes to consider:

"Are the monasteries truly as corrupt as it is said?"
"You've seen the Black Boo, the extracts from the visitations, which is being hawked around."
"So has most of London."
"Yes, people love tales of naughty monks."--Mark Poer and Matthew Shardlake, p. 24

"St. Benedict wrote his rule for Italians, sir, not people who have to live through English winters."--Brother Guy, p. 75

"A statue of the Virgin leaned drunkenly against one wall, her nose broken off, giving the bitterly cold, windowless room a depressing air."--Matthew Shardlake, p. 129

"The authority of Scripture stands above that of any scholar."
"And the opinion of a tavern keeper's son stands above St. Augustine?"--Matthew Shardlake and Brother Jerome, p. 196


  • At 2:47 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I know I love tales of naughty monks.

    Except for maybe The Mermaid Chair. I hate books about women who have affairs and it's this beautiful "finding yourself" thing. Uh, cheating just makes you a tramp. Gawd.


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