Geek In the Pink

Sunday, October 09, 2005


POI: can i talk to u about somethin k... about my current situation and such...
Me: okay
POI: i want to let u know that due to my working and constant running around and shiz i dont think i would be interested in pursuing a relationship at this time.. i apologize and i dont want to come off as an asshole or anything
Me: okay, that's fine. I was just looking for someone to have an occassional good time with right now, but I understand that you're busy and don't have time for that.
Me: I just wish you'd been more up-front about it led to me being very confused
POI: im sorry about that was not my intention
Me: Apology accepted...Captain Needa
POI: well im glad that line didnt happen exactly like it did in the movie
Me: nah, i'm not angry. i was more put-off than anything that you hadn't even called or text or IMed that you were otherwise occupied
POI: and u have a right to be angry if u are
Me: I don't know how to phrase this next question...I mean, is this a "don't call us, we'll call you," kind of situation? Do you still want to chat online, or would it be easier for you if I just faded into the proverbial woodwork?
POI: lol no i still want to be friends hang out do things
Me: okay


  • At 7:58 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    doesn't sound smart enoug to talk to you anyway. What a twit. We'll be getting you that item previously discussed, I believe.


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