Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dream a little dream

Cat: To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power.

Cooking: To dream that you are cooking, signifies your desire desire to influence others in such a way that they will like you or become dependent on you. Alternatively, it represents your nurturing side or wanting to be nurtured. You want to be loved.

Wedding: To see a wedding in your dream, symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your current life. Dreams involving weddings are generally negative and highlight some anxiety or fear. It often refers to feelings of bitterness, sorrow, or death. Alternatively, wedding dreams reflect your issues about commitment and independence.

Poison: To see poison in your dream, denotes that you need to get rid of something in your life that is causing you much sickness, distress, or negativity.

Potato: To see potatoes in your dream, symbolizes laziness and/or stupidity.

And now don't you wish I remembered the whole dream so I could tell you about it?

Anyway, had a long talk with the roommie at the gym yesterday about POI, after talking to POI on the phone on the way home. I am mostly VERY relaxed about the situation, I just go through periods of "WTF?" and they are followed by a good scolding of myself for being such a nimrod about it. (Can we bring back use of the word 'nimrod'? It's a good word.)

I think we're going shopping after gym-dinner-shower tonight. I need something appropriately skanky for our Saturday out, as I had to ditch my usual club skirt because SOMEONE *coughCleo*cough liked to use it as a scratching post. Yes. Quite.

Now that I have a faboo internet connection, I am re-discovering the illicit download. I really didn't want to buy the whole "Akon" CD...but "Bellydancer" is a really fun song. So now I have a new CD of various songs I've DLed...a few that I actually bought outright, and we shall see. My car CD player has been a little wonky lately with these CDs and I don't really know why. It's taken to just randomly ejecting them, or not playing them when I restart the car. I have to take the CD out and re-insert (giggle) it and scroll through to the song I want. It can be done, it's just annoying. And does not bode well for the whole "non-distracted driving" thing CT is pushing right now.

Off to get ready for work. It's Wednesday! We're half-way there. Yay!


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