Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ah, Wednesday

Well, let's see. Yesterday I spent $65 on a new part for my car, went to the dentist, and had dinner with my folks and brother. Brother bought me a shirt from the Hard Rock in Baltimore, it's actually quite pretty. I'm going to give him full credit for picking it out, and Mindy for choosing my size, even though I have NO idea if that's the story.

Today was okay, although I did have to sit in a 50-minute meeting after school, only to discover that it was completely pointless, save for the fact that they have to dump the entire gradebook software and re-install it. This means we'll have to re-input all our grades. Ye. Freakin. Haw.

Also, cat is being a little weird. If weirdness continues, we shall have to call the vet. As she was just AT the vet, this is really quite annoying.

Sar, any word on the weekend after Columbus Day for the trip?

Here are some more useless quizzes to amuse with:

Your arch-nemesis is:

Because you told the teacher that they were throwing spit balls
The winner will be...
They already have too many arch nemeses, so you are on their friends list.
Take this quiz at


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla


  • At 2:41 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I think we've all done that "Ultimate Personality Test" already, but I'm gonna do it again and see if I get the same thing. I got Seer last time.


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