Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Getting better

Only woke up once prior to the alarm this morning, at 3:40, so that's an improvement. Was arguably more exhausted than yesterday, however. Ug.

As for everything else...I'd just like to clear up that I didn't say anything stupid and mushy to the P.o.I. We had an adult conversation and he revealed that we were at a place I thought we were passed. Okay, fine, good for the information. We're still talking n' stuff.

All right....REALLY need to get ready for the gym now. Watch me go.


  • At 12:04 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Glad you're feeling better. It's going to be SO much fun having you visit! I'm especially looking forward to taking you for your tattoo... it almost seems like a rite of passage, although we're rather old for that sort of thing.
    Amanda, sorry that happened to your dad. However, everyone makes mistakes, myself included. The nurse did well to catch and correct it, but even if he/she hadn't noticed right away, it's likely they would catch it when symptoms started to appear and correct it with glucose immediately. That's what I mean: you can harm someone easily, but to kill them, it takes a special kind of stupid. I do know one nurse who killed someone by giving blood they weren't supposed to get, but it was deemed to be only a contributory factor. That nurse lost his license, though, as well he should have. That's a BIG mistake.
    They say every nurse makes medication errors, and if they don't make any, they're just not catching them. That's the scary truth. I am always, always looking for ways to cross check and avoid mistakes myself.

  • At 2:21 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Ah. As it would anyone. I'd have tied that nurse up and given *her* insulin, and dangled a donut in front of her face just out of reach.


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