Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

33 sophomores

Ever been in a room with 33 sophomores at the end of a nearly 90-degree day? Yeah, not so much with the fun. Hopefully they'll have that all worked out by next Tuesday. Hrrmph.

I'm getting observed on Friday. Isn't that nice? I'll have seen these kids for 3 days and the new VP wants to watch me teach them. Oy! Hopefully, my juniors (who are honors and 14 in number) will be cooperative. I've never had any of them before, but they seem like a good group.

Of my three regular classes I teach this cycle, only one seems a little out of whack, but I think if I dish out a detention or two early, they'll probably slip right into line. I hate writing detentions, they're so tedious. But a neccessary evil when disciplining students. I can also call the football coach on some of 'em though. Hee hee.

Watching "Bones" on FOX right now. Pretty funny, so far. The dialogue is fast paced, like "The West Wing," which I like. Hopefully "House" will not disappoint tonight.

1/2 day tomorrow with the munchkins...full day for me.

I need to do laundry.


  • At 9:17 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Yay! I'm the first real person to post! Anyway... Bones disappointed. I was hoping for something more House which totally rocked btw.

  • At 3:06 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Ancient Medical Community: Sperm carries babies
    5th Century BC Philosophers/Historians: Okay.

    There, paper written :)


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