Geek In the Pink

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Slight backtracking and some forward progress

This is actually a post that gives props to my friend Leila, who informed me of the wonders of the garter belt. It is not, after all, merely a sexual thing for men to fantasize about. Oh no, it is actually a VERY practical article of clothing...once you can figure out how to use the g-d thing.

ANYWAY. I hate nylons. With all sorts of venom and passion. But, of course, if you want to wear skirts in the winter, you must wear nylons, else freeze. But I don't like the way they feel on my waist. SO...I tried the whole garter belt thing the first day of school. After the initial M-Fing that went along with getting the stupid thing to hold up the thigh-highs, I discovered it was quite lovely. My legs looked good, but I was not feeling constricted and confined. So any woman looking for an alternative to full-on pantyhose should DEFINITELY visit her nearest V.S. Boys, too, I suppose. If you're into that sort of thing.

Roommate has some sort of illness that I am hoping she will not pass on to me. I came home from my parents' house early to check on her. The coughing seems to have subsided, thanks to the drugs, so I'm hoping that she will make a decent recovery. It's too early in the year to be taking days off, after all.

Once again, Bulky tempts me with travel. If her leave goes through, she'll be back in the states during October. I could go to NY and see her over Columbus Day weekend. How much would that rock? Very much, thank you. But, of course, Katrina has a way of interrupting these things and besides, I don't know if I'll be doing my portfolio during that time or not. We shall see.

It's beautiful outside, but really too warm in my apartment. Not warm just...stuffy. Hrm. Guess I'll be sleeping with the fan on me again tonight. Cleo is also happy to be back on the bed. 4 hours was apparently too much for her to handle. Silly kitty.


  • At 11:15 AM , Blogger leila said...

    Ah, I'm glad you've finally come over to the strappy side ;)


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