Geek In the Pink

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tomorrow is Friday

Actually, this week hasn't been too bad, knock on wood. After the fiasco of the schedule earlier on, things have been well. My freshmen are really good for the most part, and pretty smart too. Well, at least the ones that are talking. I still have to correct their summer reading tests *grumblegrumble* and the diagnostic stuff, but if I devote some time to that on Monday, I should be fine.

I have hives. Isn't that freakin' wonderful? There's no discernible reason for said hives, but they exist. So now I'm on a 5-day treatement of prednisone to try and clear the suckers up. Hopefully my legs will look passably sexy tomorrow night when A and I go out dancing.

Now, if only I knew what I was going to do my portfolio on. Once I meet with my sophomores, I think I'll have a better idea of which group I'm going to tackle with that.



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