Geek In the Pink

Friday, August 19, 2005


So A. and I watched Oklahoma last night. Let me tell you, this musical is not good. Hugh Jackman, in his loveliness, could not save this musical. This musical, by my estimation, is worse than Hello, Dolly! and by A's estimation, worse than Carousel.

So, I had some fun with the Doll maker. This is supposed to be me.

This is supposed to be Nimue. They didn't really have the dress I wanted for her, but such is life.

I moved the rest of my stuff today at school. On Monday, I go back to the onerous task of actually organizing the place.

The cats are sitting in the living room windows, facing each other like bookends. As A has just put it, they are "totally worth the price of admission."

Oh, and in response to Sarah...I paid over $30 to fill my tank this afternoon. Yeah, gas prices suck.

Hope everyone has a splendiferous weekend!


  • At 10:56 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    How much is gas where you are?

  • At 11:00 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    I paid $2.77 for high test. Grr. Arg. Etc.

  • At 4:29 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    For the record...I said it was almost worse than Carosel. It can not be worse. I was in Carousel...words can not describe the suckage. Really.

  • At 10:37 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    That's because it didn't have Shirley Jones. (Actually, the movie did.)
    Anyway, "O What a Beautiful Mornin'" was sung in church this morning and I thought of you...


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