Geek In the Pink

Friday, August 12, 2005

First Impressions

Anathema ate dinner with both my parents for the first time tonight. This is an experience for EVERYONE involved, as a lot of wine usually flows, and my parents try to keep their right-wing opinions to themselves, but it doesn't quite work. Also, my brother made an apperance, which adds to the amusement factor. You'll have to check A's blog but...well, they're my parents, and I love them.

We're having a party tomorrow. The apartment doesn't REALLY look ready for it. I wish we had an area rug for the living room, and curtains, and art pieces...but we don't. What we do have is booze, and a cat (possibly 2 by tomorrow) and a lot of desire to please, so that should even it all out.

Cleo just had a hair ball in the hallway. Wasn't that special? Since her cat food is supposed to control that sort of thing, I'm a bit peeved.

The screen is bouncing, and I'm having trouble typing. Think I might have had too much to drink with my parents? Thank God for the D.D.

My cat made her drunk mother climb under a table to fill her fountain. Either she's smarter, or I'm dumber, than we all thought.



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