Geek In the Pink

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Why do I keep screwing this up?

I keep calling the latest SW movie "Return of the Sith" instead of "Revenge of the Sith." I actually did it in the A/N of a story I posted online. O.M.G. How dumb am I? My status has a fan has plummeted.

Cooked dinner again tonight. Our stove is really screwy (10 mins. this morning to cook an omellete...WTF???), but we're adjusting accordingly. I get to cook my father dinner tomorrow night, as my mom is working late, and Dad is bringing me a piece of furniture they bought me.

The apartment is actually warmer during the evening hours than it is during the day. No WONDER I've been having trouble sleeping. Well, that and the crazy cat running all over the apartment chasing pieces of felt. Yup, that's my cat, gotta love her.

I promise tomorrow I'll start doing work Really. *looks at calendar and groans*


  • At 9:35 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    So are you cooking your father dinner because he's coming over to your place anyway or because your the next woman in line? Is that why he didn't want to you to move out?

  • At 9:57 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    My father has the ability to forage for himself, but it is often best if one of his women folk do it for him. So the answer to all of your questions is "yes."


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