Geek In the Pink

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Get your geek on

I just watched the first four episodes of Star Trek: Voyager and am now a very pleased geek. While I hadn't forgotten how much I loved the show, it was nice to review the beginning, and it reminded me of things I'd forgotten about the crew members. Also, 2 out of the first 4 episodes have to do with time travel/temporal rifts in some way. Weird, no? The only problem with the DVD is that you can't just "play all;" you have to click play for each individual episode. Not a HUGE problem, but a minor inconvenience.

So I'm reading this book called "Rhapsody" by Elizabeth Hayden at the moment, and though I'm 251 pages in, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. The characters just seem a little...too something. Also, the person who bought me the books I think borrowed heavily from them to create one of his characters, so that might be skewing my view of the situation. I have all three (as I said, gift), but I'm not sure if I'll keep reading after this first one. I have about...400 more pages to go, however, so I may change my mind between now and then.

The article of clothing I left in OR has still not made its way to my possession, and I'm starting to miss it. Sad panda.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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Your Daddy Is Bill o'Reilly

What You Call Him: Papito
Why You Love Him: He's your sugar daddy


  • At 1:05 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Your quiz responses are much more amusing than mine. I'm jealous.


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