Geek In the Pink

Monday, July 11, 2005

Don't Fly America West...

...ever. They're always running late, and their flight crews take themselves WAY too seriously.

I was an hour late leaving Portland because they couldn't find a mechanic to sign off that the plane was safe to fly. *headdesk*

But I'm home now. I'm in the middle of a LOT of laundry, some of which I hung up on the line because why's beautiful outside. I mean, Oregon was lovely, but I love 94 degree days. GOOOOOOO SUMMER!

Ahem. So now it's back to packing. I have to bribe my brother, and possibly his friends who have trucks, with beer and food, to get them to help myself and Anathema move "the big stuff." I want to be able to point to an almost empty room and say "Yup, bookcase, bed and desk. Move it!" The rest of it can be moved in a plethora of waves from home to new home without too much difficulty.

I still have to buy stuff for Cleo. Not much, mind you, just a food dish and a litterbox, but until I get a measuring tape and figure out where the devil to put it, I can't really go out and purchase the Cadillac of Kitty Commodes. Well, she probably won't get THAT fancy a litterbox. Don't want to spoil her too much. :)

Oh. I came home to wedding invitations. My ovaries are withering was we speak. *sigh*


  • At 11:08 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Tis the season for weddings, obviously. We've received two recently ourselves. This is a bit odd since I think my parents officiate more weddings than we're invited to (again probably obvious) but not this year...


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