Geek In the Pink

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Artemis Fowl

I finished reading the first Artemis Fowl book last night, so I thought I'd share, thoughts on the matter.

(Before I truly begin...what Irish family names their SON "Artemis?" Honestly!)

This book falls into a weird genre, kind of like A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's written for children/young adults, but some of the stuff in here, the jokes and what not, are higher up than that. The pacing is always really quick. My best analogy would be if you had a kid who thought he/she was "too old" for Harry Potter or had the attention span of a gnat, you'd give him/her this series. The story goes quickly, there aren't that many characters to keep track of, but things get blowed up and, oh yeah, fart jokes.

Amusing anecdotes follow:

"Thankfully, the rest of the world assumed the Irish were crazy, a theory that the Irish themselves did nothing to debunk."--p. 69 (hee hee)

"Definitely a girl. Pretty too. In a pointy sort of way."--Artemis Fowl, p. 76

"Plus, I did my basic training in Ireland. Back in the top hat and shillelagh days."--Commander Root, p. 84

"Time to attempt a word. Something short and pertinent. Help, she decided, would be the one to go for."--p. 97

"If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose, then I'm crazy. That's the way history is written."--Artemis, p. 121

"I hacked into Interpol. Not too difficult, I can tell you. They might as well have put out a welcome mat..."--Foaly, p. 123

"Holmes, Moriarty, they both look the same with the flesh scorched off their skulls."--Root, p. 126

"A dubious individual, even by Artemis Fowl's standards. As if this account didn't already suffer from an overdoes of amoral individuals."--p. 161

"No self-respecting criminal mastermind would be caught dead even using the word lollipops."--p. 216

"Banter! The human was trying to engage a troll in macho repartee!"--p. 236

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