Geek In the Pink

Saturday, June 25, 2005

One Week!

By this time a week from now I shall be...traveling. On an airline I've never flown, in airports to which I have never been. All by myself. Now I panic. Pray for me, please.

Went shopping with Mum yesterday. Came back with stuff for the apartment AND a new bathing suit. It is a green one piece, and I think I look quite fetching in it. It has a weird claspy thing I have to fight with to get it on but whatever. It's also a size 8, so go me.

Anathema and I went out for dinner last night, then crashed a birthday party at Margaritas. There was this really cute guy there, who was in Iraq and is studying to be a History teacher. He was very funny. I think I may have developed a bit of a crush.

But the real reason I'm posting is that I finished two books and totally neglected your eyes from reading amusing things out of them.

First The Grim Grotto, Book the Eleventh in A Series of Unfortunate Events:

"When you are invited to dine, particularly with people you do not know very well, it always helps to have a conversation opener, a phrase which here means 'an interesting sentence to say out loud in order to get people talking'. Although lately it has been more and more difficult to attend dinner parties without the evening ending in gunfire or tapioca..."--p. 91-2

"It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting."--p. 109

Okay, now on to Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. Sarah bought me this book when I was in TX last time and told me I HAD to read it. It's a new version of the Cupid and Psyche story, told from one of the sister's points of view. Kinda like...Wicked, I'd imagine, though I've never read that book. (Tangent--Going to see the musical with my mother in December. Whee.) Anyway, the book was...interesting. I don't know if I would call the narrator entirely credible, but towards the end of the book, she recognizes that about herself. Her father, however, is a complete ass.

"This is where men, even the trustiest, fail us. Their heart is never so wholly given to any matter but that some trifle of a mean, or a drink, or a sleep, or a joke, or a girl, may come in between it and them and then (even if you are a queen) you'l get no more good out of them till they've had their way."--Orual, p. 149-50

"Who that knows men would doubt it? They're harder, but we're tougher. They do not live longer than we. They do not weather sickness better. Men are brittle."--Ansit, p. 261

And that is all from the land of the Lady. I am now off to enjoy the pool, as the weather is nigh around 100 and what ELSE should I be doing?


  • At 1:48 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    hm, maybe I'll have to check out that book.

    Miss you, lady! Your flight will be fine.

  • At 4:30 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    *blushes* Ms. Amanda, I am scandalized.

    But not really...tee hee!


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