Geek In the Pink

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Rather Ashamed

Do you know I actually got a bit misty-eyed at graduation last night? Yeah, it was weird. I got hugs from four of my senior boys who wouldn't have been walking across the stage if I wasn't such a wonderful human being. Hopefully they'll remember that.

Monday is my last day with the kids. To celebrate, Mom and I went out and I bought three new books for myself, two for my mother and one for Father's Day. (My father wanted, get this, a Rachel Rae 30-Minute-Meal cookbook. Anyone else laughing? Good.) One of the books I picked up is about 17th-century Japan (aren't the goddesses proud of me?) and my mother picked up a similar one by the same author, which entertained me.

Of course, while I was at B&N, I forgot to get gift certificates for two of the women I work with--my mentor and the special ed teacher who helped me maintain my sanity with those hellacious sophomores. But as I may be going to see the infamous Anathema tonight, perhaps I can convince her to go back to B&N with me so I can purchase those, plus a CD for my father that my mom said he might like.

I am about a third of the way through The Picture of Dorian Gray. I have never read any Oscar Wilde before, so this is an interesting adventure for me. He is very witty, but we haven't gotten to the "meat" of the story. I will tell you, however that Lord Harvey is a horribly manipulative man and I don't like him one bit. More on that, of course, when I'm done with the book.

Here are some pointless quizzes to entertain the masses: I'm hoping to have some writing done before too long, so you'll have to check the OTHER place and, oh, I don't know...TELL ME IF I SUCK OR NOT! *cough* Moving on.

Your Expression Number is 7
Very intelligent, you are usually thinking, introspecting, or analyzing.
You have a good mind, and you are especially good at finding out the truth.
Very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding.

You tend to obsess over wisdom and hidden truths.
You are likely to become a authority on any subject you undertake.
Operating on a different wavelength, most people don't know you that well.

Very logical and rational, at times you tend to lack emotion.
So much so, that you often have times coping with emotional situations.
You are not very adaptable - you may tend to be overly critical at times.

Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.


  • At 12:34 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    It is titled "The Dragon King's Palace."

  • At 6:34 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Sarah- if you are going to mail my present, and have any books to get rid of, could you throw them in? I have a few to send you if so. Otherwise if it's not worth the cost, that's ok. Just recommend me titles =)
    Karen: that sounds like a name for a Chinese restaurant, but let me know if the book's any good!


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