Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bad News to Get on Vacation

Whenever you call home, and your mother says "Your boss called," this is not a good sign.

I called said boss, but have yet to hear back from her. The receptionist assured me it had nothing to do with me keeping my job, but you know me: Paranoius Maximus. (Sorry, Amanda, for that butchering of the Latin language.)

Sar and I have been watching a lot of movies after our jam-packed days of wandering. So far we have seen "White Noise," "Julius Caesar," the first season of "Manchild," "Emma," and this local indie film called "Westender." The first one was creepy but not good, the second was beautiful, but we're questioning some historical accuracies, the third was TO DIE FOR FUNNY, as only British televison can be, the fourth was lovely and the fifth...m'eh. That's how we both felt about it.

We went for a rather long hike yesterday up to the top of a waterfall; my calves hurt. We also had fun with scrapbooking, something I have never done before, but which I have slowly come around to as a good idea. Sar and I are going to try to put up some pictures of our adventures in the near future.

That's about it. We might be going to an art show tonight, might be going to see a movie, might be going shopping...who knows??

Hope all is well wherever you are.


  • At 7:23 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I hope I can put up pictures of my adventures soon too... sounds like you all are having fun! I'll have to check out Manchild.
    Any book recommendations for me? Or would I have to read through the archives? ;)

    Oh, and how did you like Monstrous Regiment?

  • At 7:23 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    right, by the way, I am sure there's nothing wrong at work. Rerax =)


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