Geek In the Pink

Friday, July 15, 2005

Radio Silence Commencing Soon

Just so everyone knows...with the move rather imminent (I really should be putting stuff in my car kind of imminent), the computer WILL eventually have to be packed. And with the packing of the computer comes the unknown of when our internet service at the new place will be hooked up, and what sort it will be. OBVIOUSLY not dial up, 'cause...pshaw! Anyway, so I don't know when I'll be going offline (sometime today) or when I'll be getting back ONline (hopefully early next week).

I expect all of you to weep bitterly at my absence. There should be much gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, beating of breasts and wailing all around.

Oh! I finished the third book in the Artemis Fowl series, and have decided they aren't nearly as good as Harry Potter. I can see why kids like them but...*shrugs*. Not complicated enough, maybe? I don't know. It's not the kind of book I'd beat a parent for buy his/her child, but it wouldn't be my first recommendation, either.

Currently reading "I Am Spock," a loaner from my mom's friend who likes to leave me books whenever she comes over to the house. As one might imagine, it is written by Leonard Nimoy, and it is a "sequel" of sorts to his book "I Am Not Spock." Entertaining, quick read. Will probably put it aside when Half Blood Prince arrives at the parents' house tomorrow, but that's okay.

Hope everyone has a LOVELY weekend.


  • At 7:06 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Miss you! Come back soon.
    Oh, and I'll beta the gathering tale for you, if you want. Just give me till Monday or Tuesday to set up my internet at home.


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