Geek In the Pink

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Various and Sundry

I should be packing right now, but I'm not. Soon, I will begin again. Mom & I ran around all day, replacing broken dishes, buying a microwave, getting stuff for the cat. All much fun.

Okay, the following bit is probably going to ruffle some feathers: my blog, my opinion, just deal:

As most of you are aware, the United Church of Christ (UCC, also known as the Congregationals) have "okayed" same-sex marriages. Some people are viewing this merely as a "publicity stunt" to get more members and boost church coffers. After all, the Bible calls homosexuality an "abomination." Now, I am not for literal interpretations of the Bible. Someone who wrote into The Hartford Courant today obviously agrees with me, as he pointed out that 1) people who have sight problems can't approach the altar, 2) selling your daughter into slavery is acceptable, 3) working on the Sabbath is punishable by death and 4) you can't wear garments made of two different types of thread. Remember, folks, we learned on The Simpsons that "technically, we're not supposed to eat." Does this all mean I'm too liberal for heaven and that Satan has a seat picked out for me in warmer climes? Quite possibly. But I would imagine that Jesus figures if you do your best to be a good person, and you believe in him, which gender of consenting adult you're sleeping with isn't much of his concern.

That about sums up my rant du jour. I am now off to pack.


  • At 3:55 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Right on, sister! I'm glad you mentioned it so I didn't have to on my blog.

  • At 4:40 PM , Blogger Tara said...


    So good to hear that open-minded Christians exist somewhere. You actually make sense, thank you so much, you're very refreshing!

  • At 7:23 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    And what about marijuana? I mean, if you wanna get technical, Christianity would dictate that God made it. It has less side effects than almost any medication, including alcohol and tobacco. It was only outlawed and stigmatized because of its association, first, with Mexicans assaulting the Alamo and later with hippies... I mean... the hell.
    I think just about everything should be legal.
    Rape, murder, and child abuse of any kind should be punishable by public torture and televised death.
    Not that I'm opinionated or anything.
    Preach on sista K.

  • At 8:40 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    "Rape, murder, and child abuse of any kind should be punishable by public torture and televised death."

    *nods anime-like* Uh huh!

  • At 11:26 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Right, you'd figure THAT verse kind of covers everything...*shakes head*


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