Geek In the Pink

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Technology Hates Me (and other recent ephiphanies)

You know, it would be really great to be at home, using my own computer. But no, it won't start. The culprit is a dead PSU. Now I have to go find a place to buy myself a new one, and implore my much more tech-savy friends to put it in for me. If my computer is actually dead, I will weep.

The thunderstorm last night was really cool, right up until the time we lost power for almost 12 hours and I had to read by flashlight in a stuffy apartment because there was nothing else to do, before falling into a fitful sleep. Even the cat wasn't happy.

Thankfully, it has cooled down a bit and power has been restored to the apartment, although the computer, as mentioned above, is quite dead. I called Brett about it, as he is Dr. Frankenstien to the Monster in question, and he gave me the bad news.

I was a good girl and went for a walk this morning. The walks aren't very long, but they get me up and moving so hopefully they're doing something. I am eagerly awaiting being able to join a new gym in November when my old membership expires. I'm still angry they won't let me out of it. Grr, arg, etc.

Hope everyone has electricity.


  • At 1:13 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    12 hours? Yikes. We lost ours for only 7 and a half which, frankly, is long enough...

  • At 11:18 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Was it Brett's toyage with the computer that caused the current problem, or did he fix it or build it or something and now it's just acting up?
    If it were the former, I'd make him buy you a new one.
    Anyway. Stay cool, or move here, where it's always chilly except in public buildings, where it's stifling.

  • At 12:37 PM , Blogger Tusc said...

    LOL - Hey, I signed no guarantees when I built it! Actually, at the time I presumed I would always be on hand for tech support if necessary.

    I wouldn't piece together some clunker for my gf. I planned it out well, and she got a computer that is faster and made with all premium parts compared to the Dell equivalents in her price range. If the PSU is dead, it's dead because it did its job and scrammed. This means, hopefully, that the rest of the pc is not slag.

    Rob can swap the PSU in about 10 minutes from start to finish. If anything, it's a good excuse to get up and see Maverick. And, you know... everyone else. =) I haven't been up there for dinner in a few weeks, myself. I just want to go up for a pool party. Hear that, Rob? ::echoes::


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