Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Inaugural Event

Anathema and I actually used the kitchen last night to make dinner. While she was gone, the toaster oven and microwave were getting heavy use, but I didn't want to cook for just me because that seemed like a waste of time. Anathema made a lovely chicken thing, with only a minor problem of creating a lot of smoke. Luckily, our place isn't up to code because we have no smoke detector, else...well, you get the idea.

We bought curtain fabric yesterday, and now my mother has the dubious honor of sewing said fabric into curtains. We still don't have curtain rods, of course, but one thing at a time, eh?

I have a song from the musical!Buffy episode in my head. WTF is that all about?

I should go for a walk this morning, but as it's already 70+ degrees out, just shy of 8AM, I'm thinking I'll maybe take a dip in the pool later instead.

Hope everyone has a good day. Today, we look for a TV.


  • At 12:59 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I know you already had a tv so I assuming you're getting a large communal tv. Neat. I was just thinking that if you were two guys, you wouldn't be worrying about the curtains...


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