Geek In the Pink

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Year of Wonders

No, that doesn't describe my upcoming school year. It's the book I just finished reading (I'm going to re-attempt the Alamo book at some point,, it needed an editor).

So Year of Wonders is about this one tiny village in England that experiences the Plague. First person, female narrator. I enjoyed the book quite a bit, actually, although there was a story line that seemed rather...contrived, sort of as a way to get the book over. Still, one of the relationships in the book had a very Hester-Dimmesdale vibe to it, only the Dimmesdale wasn't quite the pussy the "real" one is. If you like historical fiction, you may want to check it out.

Speaking of...I got my library card today. Yay! I will probably use it for "fluff," fiction, the stuff I really won't buy, but would like to read anyway. Also, if they have movies my kids might watch.

And another segue. I got my schedule today. Sort of. I got the list of classes I'm going to be teaching, but no indicator of when I'm going to be teaching them during the day. Also, I suddenly have 3 creative writing classes, so I'm thinking one might be for the juniors, but since they were only going to meet twice a week, what am I doing with myself the rest of the time? According to the enclosed letter, I should know my actual schedule on the 29th. That would be the DAY before the students show up. Yes, thank you. I do know I am teaching one section of honors juniors and one section of honors sophomores, so my life as we know it may not be completely over. Yay for that.

I sold another book on today. Only $2, but it is no longer in my possession and that really is what matters at the end of the day.


  • At 9:56 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I had a interview for a job at said library yesterday. I think it went well...


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