Geek In the Pink

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Boys, Bachelorette Parties and Bar Slut Wallets

So. There is currently a "person of interest" in my life. As in, he's interested in me, and I'm interested in him. We met at the housewarming party; he's one of A's friends from her first grad school adventure. Besides being smart, he likes Star Wars and football. Actually, the first thing he said to A about me was "And she's likes Star Wars," like, I don't know, I'd baked him a cake or something. So cool. We went out en masse Friday to this place in the town where I work. Had a few (okay 5) drinks, played pool (badly) and then went to the diner for food (ice cream). We're probably going out dancing this Friday in Hartford. Let's just say, Lady's feeling pretty good about herself. Way better than I've felt in a long time.

Last night, we had my friend Katie's surprise bachelorette party. And when I say "surprise," I mean she actually shut the door when she walked into her friend's apartment because she was so shocked. We got her SO trashed, she sang with a band at a bar, and then we went back to...scrapbook. We also played some games (which I lost at FABULOUSLY!) and had some more to drink.

A and I just spent a lot of money on clothes we really didn't need. I did get, however, a wallet that will fit conveniently into a pocket, so when I go whorin' it up in the bars, I don't have to carry a purse with me. Yay, right?

Tomorrow, I go back to work. Tomorrow, I will see my schedule for the year. Tomorrow, I will see my students for the year. Tomorrow, I will probably cry. A lot. Well, no, not really, but who knows what's going to happen.

It's muggy again. I hate muggy. It's all sorts of bad. I'm also SO tired. Did I mention I didn't get to bed before 1AM Friday OR Saturday? Yeah. I didn't do that in COLLEGE, how am I supposed to do that sort of thing now??


  • At 1:06 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    This may seem weird given the recent comments on my blog but I'm really happy for you. I can only think of three guys who don't like football so no real surprises there but SW is a whole other ballgame...

  • At 8:44 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    Speak for yourself woman. I actually did need those clothes. Taht's the problem with gaining huge amounts of weight...nothing fits anymore.

  • At 9:01 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    Who's the guy?? Did I talk to him? It seemed like everyone I talked to was married, or gay and about to be married. Hmm. Maybe I didn't talk to that many people...


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