Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Run-by Blogging

In about 3 hours, I will see my first students for the year. Normally, I'd be excited about this. But I am not. I am pissed. Do you know why? Because I still don't know what my schedule looks like. Don't know when my lunch is, or when my prep is, or who my students are. Want to see 65 really pissed off teachers? Tell them they won't get their opening day schedules until...opening day.

Sidebar--the problem with a new person of interest is that he's all distracting and stuff. Not intentionally, like SOME PEOPLE we could mention, but mentally distracting in a good way.

Is it Friday yet?


  • At 6:07 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I want to hear more about Person of Interest. You said he's smart. Is he nice? Is he funny? Is he hot? Does he show any evidence of overcompensating for lack of sexual prowess? Is he a stuck-up prat in any way? Have you done any screening, i.e. watched how he treats animals/children/old people/waitresses? Is he a slob or a neat freak? What does he think of girls with tattoos? When are you getting a tattoo anyway?

    Your school district sounds like a clusterfuck sometimes. Sorry about that.

    I have had lots of coffee today. It's ACLS class so I've got an hour lunchbreak meaning I had time to get online at the library. Hopefully will have a working keyboard at home soon though.

    Much love. Good luck starting your new school year.

  • At 9:45 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Hmmm. Pleasant distraction could be bad. I failed a test because of a distraction, which in that case wasn't pleasant, and my getting my master's was delayed a couple semesters. Watch out!

  • At 8:47 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    K. can give you the details Kelly...but in the interim here's what I know of him, culled from the many hours spent studying (pronounced bitching) during grad school:
    yes nice, ditto funny. not commenting on hot (he's too good a friend, and that's sorta creepy), no idea as to if he's lacking anything but he doesn't act like he's compensating from general conversation. Not stuck up.

    And he likes tattoos. I must go, my cat is attacking my gym bag...

  • At 3:48 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    He thinks tattoos can be "hot." I already told him about where I want mine. Let us say his reaction was...favorable.

    I'm getting mine...I dunno. I was hoping to get it with one of you ladies, but that puts me into next year sometime. I'd like to get it this winter.

  • At 4:56 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Well, don't get it in the UK... I'd feel safer, personally, getting it in a country/state where I'm familiar with health codes and things. In NY they have licenses for tattoo places, and in Texas I was referred by a fellow medic to a reputable artist. She even used the same type of sani-wipes we use in our hospitals, so I felt good about it.


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